A team from the Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA), the Ghana Navy, and the Ghanal Maritime Authority (GMA) met at the GTA headoffice on Thursday, June 6, 2024, to discuss the potential for marketing the Centre of the World both domestically and internationally.

The team, a Technical Committee on Maritime Tourism, was constituted following a maiden meeting at the Chief of Naval Staff’s office a few weeks prior. The team plans to launch the first commercial cruise tour to the Centre of the World, utilizing two naval ships, on August 4, 2024. The tour will accommodate 100 participants, comprising individuals from the tourism industry and the general public.

The Center of the World is the exact location where the Greenwich Meridian (zero degree longitude) crosses the Equator (zero degree latitude). Notably, Ghana is the closest country to the Center of the World. This location is approximately 30 hours away from the Ghana Naval base in Tema, out at sea.