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‘December-in-GH’ 2023; Call For Event Proposals Opens

News & Blog

The Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA) and the Beyond the Return (BTR) Secretariat have officially announced the call for entries for event organisers and promoters to submit their proposals for inclusion in the calendar of events for the ‘December in GH’ campaign for 2023.

Proposals should be for events taking place from November 1, 2023 through January 10, 2024. All events should have a goal of bringing together the African diaspora, continental Africans and the local Ghanaian community.

GTA and BTR encourages events happening across all the regions of Ghana.

All events should align with one of the 7 foundational pillars of Beyond the Return (Experience Ghana, Celebrate Ghana, Invest in Ghana, Brand Ghana, Diaspora Pathways to Ghana, Give Back Ghana, and Promote Pan-African Heritage and Innovation).

The first batch of official calendar of events for ‘December in GH’ will be released in the middle of June 2023 after submitted proposals have been reviewed by GTA.

**All proposals must be submitted before June 5th using the official form at this link: https://forms.gle/JwQ7TbphReMMFfTm6

More information about the Beyond the Return initiative can be found on the website www.beyondthereturngh.com.
Information on Ghana Tourism Authority can be found at www.visitghana.com.